Learn more about the use case:
Joint project

Construction industry, Research project: Explainable AI
SDaC – Smart Design and Construction
What was the mandate for the collaboration/development of an AI-based use case/solution/service?
SDaC (Smart Design and Construction) is part of the innovation competition "Artificial Intelligence as a Driver of Economically Relevant Ecosystems" and is funded by the BMWi from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023. The aim is to develop a platform that enables organizations from the construction industry to easily access information and use it intelligently. Artificial intelligence methods will be used for information preparation and intelligent processing and use. A total of nine use cases will be implemented, ranging from construction planning and execution planning to construction implementation.
What technologies and AI methods were used and why?
To use the data, the focus is placed on explainable AI methods. This serves on one hand to enrich the complex processes of the construction industry with expert experience and on the other hand to generate trust among users.
With which partners was the project implemented with which respective parts?
The project is being realized with a total of 11 consortium partners and other associated partners. The consortium partners include the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with the Institute for Technology and Management in Construction (TMB), Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI), EnTechnon and Institute for Applied Informatics (IAI); CyberForum e.V., German Concrete and Construction Technology Association E.V., Digital Building Gmbh, FARO Europe GmbH & Co. KG, Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST, GOLDBECK GmbH, GEMEINSCHAFT FÜR ÜBERWACHUNG IM BAUWESEN E.V., IGP Completing Projects AG, Metis Systems AG, Steuer Tiefbau GmbH.
How did you contribute to the transfer of knowledge and technology to the client?
Using design thinking methods, needs and desires of potential users are reviewed in short-cycle feedback loops and incorporated into the development of the use cases. The prototypes will be validated with the development of mock-ups. Furthermore, networking events are planned, during which the current status will be presented to a broad audience.
In what timeframe did they implement the AI solution in your company?
The funded period is 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2023.
A conclusion to your AI solution:
The development of the individual use cases and the platform will not be completed until 2023. Nevertheless, initial activities show a high level of interest in AI solutions from the construction industry and demonstrate great potential.
One final piece of advice/tip to other entrepreneurs looking to apply AI:
We develop AI assistance systems to put the user at the center.
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