Learn more about the use case:
Giese GmbH

Success Stories
From craftsman to conductor
What drove the decision to develop the use case?
The decisive factor for the introduction of a digital planning board for the organisation of construction projects was increased customer requirements and the will of Giese GmbH to meet these in the best possible way. Customers want to know exactly when the construction work will start. Offering this level of reliability is not a standard feature of craft businesses. Giese GmbH makes this possible by using a digital planning board that enables simple and intuitive planning. This was developed inhouse, as no satisfactory solution could be found on the market. The resources and expertise thus gained enabled Giese GmbH to expand its core business model and take over the entire organisation of larger construction projects. As a result, other trades are also integrated into workflows via the digital planning board.
What technologies, skills and structures were necessary for the development and implementation of the digital solution?
The technological expertise was provided by a programmer from the circle of acquaintances who implemented the digital planning board. Connecting the system to a cloud also enables external partners to access the digital planning board. Giese GmbH favours the Business Model Canvas as a solid method for developing business models due to its simplicity and comprehensibility compared to traditional business plans. The Business Model Canvas also favours involving the entire team in the process. Further information on the Business Model Canvas can be found at www.aufzumdigital.de.
In what timeframe did you implement the digital solution in your company/your client‘s company?
The pure development time of the digital planning board was two years. Since then, a change process has been set in motion at Giese GmbH so that employees are now also actively involved in improving the digital planning board and processes.
What is the added value that the digital solution brings?
Giese GmbH's internal processes have been greatly optimised and simplified by the digital planning board. Every employee always has an up-to-date overview of the tasks to be completed in the coming days, weeks and months. Furthermore, all construction site files are stored digitally and can be viewed and processed at any time and from anywhere. Giese GmbH's customers benefit from the improved internal processes thanks to the increased reliability and quality of the construction work. In addition, you can use the digital planning board platform to view various offers from partner companies and choose the one that best suits your individual needs.
What is the impact of the new digital solution on the customer segment, markets, partners, and company structure?
With the introduction of the digital planning board, a digitalisation process has been set in motion at Giese GmbH, which is largely shaped by the company's own employees. This continuous change is favoured by the fact that Giese GmbH has not outsourced the development of the software but has founded its own subsidiary. The use of digital technologies in construction management processes has changed Giese GmbH's customer group to the extent that customers have a certain willingness to work digitally. As a result, customers may also be lost. However, this has no relation to the newly acquired customers and their satisfaction with the services provided by Giese GmbH.
One final piece of advice/tip to other entrepreneurs looking to apply digital solutions:
The use of digital technologies can quickly become very complex. To avoid overwhelming customers, it is crucial that the software is intuitive to use. It should be focussed on customer usage rather than what is technically feasible. Taking customer feedback into account during the development period was an important component in the design of Giese GmbH's digital planning board. Furthermore, the development effort for digital solutions should not be underestimated. Sufficient time must be allowed for qualitative and well thought-out solutions. A new digital business model does not necessarily have to generate profits immediately but should also be seen as an investment in a successful future. When it comes to implementation, the motto at Giese GmbH is: start and work towards the goal step by step. It is also important that the entire team is behind the idea and that everyone understands the purpose of the project.
The content of this use case originally appeared on the website Auf Zum Digital as part of the Digitale Geschäftsmodelle@BW project funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism and coordinated by CyberForum e.V. The full content can be accessed here.
Picture: Giese GmbH